Committees and boards
Management and involvement of committees and boards
- Representing Iceland in TAFTIE, cooperation of European countries in policy making on innovation and development of innovation policy. Member of (EWG) Executive working group.
- Representing Iceland in the programme committees of Regions of knowledge, Research potential of Convergence Regions and Support to the coherent development of research policies. These are Framework Programme 7, initiative of the European Union.
- Representing Iceland in the steering group of Cluster Excellence in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland. A cluster analysis and benchmarking of clusters in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland, supported by NICe.
- Member of Finance and Audit Committee of the European Science Foundation from 2013.
- Representing Iceland in an OECD group. National experts on Science and Technology Indicators. (NESTI group).
- Representing Iceland in an OECD group, who is involved in policy related issues on innovation activities of the Member countries. (TIP Group).
- Representing Iceland, on behalf of Statistics Iceland, in the expert group of Eurostat on research and innovation Indicators.
- Icelandic representative on The European RTD Evaluation Network, a cooperation of EU member and associated state. Appointed by EU services on the topics.Representing Iceland in the Trend Chart cooperation of the EU Commission.
- Representing Iceland in EPG expert group, on Lead market initiative. An expert group initiated by DG Enterprise and Industry of the EU. Prior to that I was member of Group of Senior officials, working on among others country reports and European Innovation Scoreboard.