The Vision Hvetjandi is to increase participation of Icelandic organisations in transnational funding programmes.
The Mission of Hvetjandi is to encourage cooperation with European organisations in the field of Research, Innovation and skills development.
Hvetjandi; Félag um rannsókna- og nýsköpunarsamstarf (Inspiring; Association on research and innovation collaboration) is a NGO working in field of Analysis, Evaluation and Policy Studies for Science, Innovation and Skills development in Iceland and in collaboration with national and international organisations. The associations’ personnel is educated in the area and experienced with number of years working in intermediate organisations. The personnel have experience of coordinating projects and have taken part in number of European and Nordic projects in this area.
Hvetjandi (Inspiring) is a knowledge organisation with a comprehensive knowledge of different kind of science, innovation and skills development. It works in number of policy related areas and its members have comprehensive experience in participating in national and international projects in the area. Among policy areas in the portfolio are, skills development, research, innovation, entrepreneurship, cluster development and bibliometrics. A number of publications with participation of the personnel of Hvetjandi has been published in recent years based on results with participation of the personnel.
The personnel has comprehensive experience of participatin in former FP programmes of the CIP and are aiming at the Horizon 2020 and Cosme as well. They have had experience as coordinators as well as partners.
The organisation is located in Iceland and has built up a comprehensive knowledge of methodologies in the area. Staff members have a good working relationship with number of foreign experts in the area.
The focus of the association is also on evaluation and policy research, related to science, innovation and skills development. Many other methods are known by our staff members. Other competences could be mentioned such as foresight, user driven innovation, living labs, lead marked innovations, demand side innovations, cluster policies and management, studies on high growth entrepreneurs, bibliometrics, just to mention few areas.