The Project
Support by Tækniþróunarsjóður and SME Instrument part I.
Project partners
This is a national project only performed in Iceland. The project will continue as a multinational porject at a later time
Project period
The project supported by the Icelandic Technology Development fund is covers 3 years from February 2016 to January 2019
ISAR will develop a vehicle which now are not available at the world market. The team behind ISAR will apply for patent for the solutions that will be found. ISAR will work for higher technological capacity.
In end of the project a prototype of an All-Terrain car will be possible to drive for shorter distances.
Project idea:
All-Terrain travel and rescue services globally are in dire need for new, efficient passenger vehicles for on and off road work. No vehicles are currently offered for this market niche. Currently vans and SUVs are extensively modified for the purpose, leading to compromised performance and high costs. Ísar solves this with a modular programme of purpose-made 6-33 passenger vehicles, starting with the Ísar TorVeg.
Incessant, but measured innovation is key to building and keeping a lead in this potentially lucrative and unexploited market. Ísar is a design and intellectual property company not currently planning manufacturing plant investments. Instead, a cluster of specialized partners combine their current investments in production capacity and manpower for a double-sided increase in profitability. Warranty and after-sales is also served by these contracted collaborators.
Ísar has signed launch customers in Iceland, and overseas for the All-Terrain Supercar derivative.