Selected publications
- Birtingar og tilvitnanir í vísindagreinar í ritrýndum heimildum hjá norrænum háskólum og háskólasjúkrahúsum frá 2000 til 2012
- Nýsköpunarvog Rannís. Analysis and comparison of Innovative activities in Iceland.A report based on CIS.
- Outline of policy implications of new indicators. Published by NIFU-STEP in 2008.
- Mat á þekkingarverðmætum og gerð þekkingarskýrslu. Intellectual Capital, published by Ministry of Industry and Rannis in 2003.
- Hindranir í umhverfi nýsköpunar á Íslandi. Hinders in innovation work of Icelandic companies. Published by Chamber of Commerce and The New business innovation fund in 1999.
- Gerð viðskiptaáætlana útgefið af Framtíðarsýn. Making Business plans. Bókaklúbbur atvinnulífsins, 1994.
- Stefnumótun. Policy making. Tölvuskólinn hf., 1991.
- Líftækni á Íslandi. Biotechnology in Iceland, fortcoming.
- Author or co-author of different material from Rannis
Other publications
Publications from the EU on Horizon 2020 and other programmes
- How to write effective EU proposals for Horizon 2020
Publications from OECD related to Iceland
Web-sites that publish information of Funds and support activities
- Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands
- Rannís on research and innovation
- Rannis on education
- Nordic Councils of Ministers
- Atvest
- Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO)– Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (Replaces Erawatch)